Thursday, December 23, 2010

Back on the list again!!

As of 11:36 AM today we were notified that Clay has officially been placed back on the lung transplant list!!  Hurray!! What a wonderful Christmas present for us. 

Now that we're back in action I decided to write a new blog for those of you who send your thoughts, encouragement, and caring to us regularly.  This will keep everyone as updated on this new process as possible.  Some of you are new, some went thru this with us before.  For everyone I will give a short review.

Clay initially listed on September 19,2004 and remained there until November 2005 when he was "inactivated" due to weight gain putting him over the range the program allows.  During those 14 months you may remember that it became extremely boring with my trying to figure out creative ways to express how we felt at just waiting, and waiting, and waiting.  As the months dragged on without a call, and Clay's condition remained remarkably stable there didn't seem to be any reason to limit calorie intake or try to stay in maximum transplant shape.   Ultimately, his gaining weight resulted in being inactivated.    

In September 2009 our son-in-law Michael Prager along with daughter Georgina lovingly acknowledged to Clay their concern regarding his willingness to allow a food addiction to ultimately kill him by being unable to qualify for a life saving transplant.   And they were willing to back that up by having Michael come out from Boston and spend a month with us while he introduced Clay to his nutritionist, worked out an appropriate food plan, coached on healthy cooking/eating that is free of sugar and white flour.  They also did a lot of walking; and, participated in a twelve-step program.   It changed Clay's life - and ultimately mine.   From September 2009 to October 2010 he was able to loose the 50 pounds he had gained back without dieting, starving, or trying crash methods that he would never be able to sustain.  Thank you Michael and everyone else who freely gave of their support. 

Quite a bit has occurred to get back on the list.  I will cover those items in my next blog, we invite everyone to visit this site and follow this adventure!  

Merry Christmas to all and Happy New Year!

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