Saturday, January 1, 2011

Happy New Year 2011

We are feeling so excited and encouraged that 2011 will bring a new set of lungs for Claiborne!  He was officially re-listed on 12/23/10, we even received actual listing in writing by certified mail yesterday.  What a great way to leave 2010 behind and embrace the wonderful possibilities of 2011. 

As I write today we are on day 10.  People who are waiting on these lists count first the days, then weeks, moving into months, and unfortunately into years.  Last time, as I said, it was 14 months.  And again, we don't have 14 months this time to wait. 

Let me remind those of you who have traveled this road with us, and explain for those who are new, being on the "list" is not like going to the DMV and pulling a number out of the slot to let you know when your turn will come.  You can't sit with number 75 in your hand and watch the number board slowly creep upwards toward your number. 

Envision this (I'm very visual so I try to write in those terms for others); those who are fortunate enough to make the "list" get permission to enter this imaginary room where everyone just wonders around waiting to be called.  No numbers, no line in which one can see themselves moving forward toward the surgery room.  The order in which names are called are dependent on a scoring based on disease, current condition, blood type, lung size, etc.  It can get very complicated as I said in my last blog.  And we do know that this time Clay is in the top third of the list, given his current condition.

On 12/29 Clay had the right heart catherization done.  Went absolutely smoothly.  Only issue was the cath lab was backed up, we got there on time but has to wait about an hour before they could take Clay in. 

The right heart cath is much easier than the left heart, which Clay has also done.  The left heart is done by snaking a tube from the femoral artery requiring 6 hours (or so) laying completely flat and still before a person can be released to go home.  The right heart is done using the jugular vein, takes about 20 actual minutes of procedure (the pre and post time adds another hour) and allows the person to be released promptly.  Hurrah!  I didn't even get through a whole magazine I had brought.  

So all the tests are done, all details completed, Clay is on the list (nationwide, by the way), and now we watch Clay's weight and wait for that all important call.  And let me add here, after the entire battery of tests that have been done on him, it appears that Clay is in extremely good health other than this bumm set of lungs he continues to carry around. 

I encourage anyone who would like to respond to this blog to do so, Clay would love to hear your responses.  With the last blog I didn't have the right settings marked but I think I have corrected that now.  If not, please let me know by email.  

So Happy New Year to everyone who continue to send us positive thoughts and I will let you know as we continue on our way. 

1 comment:

  1. Clay and Sandie: Happy New Year indeed. You have lots of "hurry up and wait" experience so I am going to assume this one will be a piece of cake; that you will get the call in short order. Take care, be well and know your fan club is out here cheering you on. Cathe Clapp
