Thursday, January 20, 2011

Ring,ring.......RING RING!!

At 12:40 am today we received the much anticipated call.  Kathy, from the UW transplant team called to say that there is a young donor who Dr. Mulligan, the surgeon, believes has the perfect lungs for Clay.  While we didn't get all the info we would like, Kathy said that it is anticipated that Clay will receive one lung and someone else will receive the other.

Our instructions at this point is to be at the hospital by 4 PM, Clay will get checked in, and the surgery won't begin until sometime late this evening or tonite.  We do know that the donor is not here is Seattle but that Dr. Mulligan will be flying where ever.  Kathy is not at liberty to let us know the location, only that it is not here in Seattle. 

That is all the info we have for now.  I will keep you all informed as much as I can along the way.  Keep those prayers coming!


  1. Oh my goodness! I'm keeping my fingers & all other ancillary limbs crossed for you guys!

  2. What wonderful news guys. You need say no more, Sandie. That is what this has been all about. I had a feeling, you might remember from my last message, that in a day or two this would happen. Can't wait to hear as things develop further.



  3. OMG!! Fantastic news! Love to you both. Joyce and Bob Hornecker

  4. I'm so glad - my thoughts and prayers are with you both!!! Keep us posted! Much love, Janie

  5. Clay and Sandie - Finally! I sure am thinking of you and praying for you. Can't wait to see the difference a new lung makes :) Nancy

  6. I am praying like crazy. love from Adina
